Thursday, April 23, 2009

general musings

Tonight I am fighting the typical monthly migraine and mulling over various things.

Such as, it is interesting how in some things others' opinions affect me so little, and in others, small comments can throw me for such a loop.

And various C.S. Lewis ideas and quotes

And what purpose God has for my eldest son's fiercely independent nature

And why vanilla ice cream with peanuts and chocolate is so darn good

And how it is that I was so very blessed to have a husband who is so good to me - returns the last minute library items and comes home with just the right ice cream for me - smears Vaseline on my boys' cracked hands - scrubs out their disgusting crocs - makes bathtime fun for kids when I am exhausted and have no fun left in me - forever lets me warm my frozen toes on him without complaint

you know, just stuff.

Friday, April 17, 2009

clingy at 3 1/2

For some reason, Caleb has been suddenly struggling with separation anxiety. What??!! I don't remember him ever crying about being dropped off at church or preschool in his life. Suddenly both those things are issues, as well as me going out in the evening and leaving him with daddy, and even grandpa was given a hard time a couple of weeks ago! We even had a crying episode over me being in the basement doing laundry. What in the world? I'm not sure where this is coming from.

Although I haven't yet found myself annoyed about it. Mostly it is just sweet that he wants me! I don't want him to be sad though, so in that way I look forward to it getting better. As far as he knows I don't think it's cute. :-) I'm sure he picks up on more than I realize, but he's been told that he needs to be a big boy and not give people (teachers, daddy, etc.) a hard time. But I sure am taking the opportunity to give him some extra hugs and kisses. I just adore those chubby little arms around my neck.

I have found that it helps if Ian drops Caleb off in his preschool classroom rather than me. I give Little C hugs in the hallway and then they wrap their arms around each other and go on in to the room. Ian stays for a minute, gives hugs and kisses too, and then goes across the hall to his class. So sweet!