exhausto day
Day 3 of our trip was probably everyone's favorite. We went canoeing on the Green River, through the national park. 7.5 miles, about 3 1/2 hours. I didn't take the camera for fear it would get wet. There was even a place to canoe into the caves a little way... we did and heard an animal in there with us... maybe a beaver? Ian was worried it was an octopus. :-) There were several times when the boys were totally silent in the canoe. We'd stop with our paddles and all just listen to the woods around us, floating along. It was so peaceful. They dangled their hands in the water and caught leaves and let damselflies land on their fingers. By the end we were all as filthy as we've ever been. Thank God for baby wipes (next best thing to a shower) because Matt wanted to go see Lincoln's birthplace.
Oh my it was cool! I doubt I can do it justice in words, but the main thing that struck me was the family Bible. It was huge - one with lots of commentary in it. It was VERY well used. The binding and the pages were all very worn. It just hit me - that was the actual Bible that Abe Lincoln's mother sat and read to him as a child. I pictured his very long fingers holding that big book. Above the display case was the quote:
“In regards to this great Book , I have but to say it is the best
gift God has given to man."
The original quote goes on to say: "All the good the Savior gave to the world was
communicated through this Book. But for it we could not know right
from wrong. All things most desirable for man's welfare, here and
hereafter, are found portrayed in it.”
Powerful stuff. I just stood there thinking about it while the boys built mini log cabins with Lincoln logs.
We walked around the grounds and Caleb decided to try pulling mommy in the wagon:
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