Sunday, December 17, 2006

general update

The previous list of Caleb words has been almost totally replaced with "uh oh" and "bot-a-boo". These are his favorite things to say, and they work for almost every situation in his world. "uh oh" is said whenever he falls down, drops something, hears his brother crying, the phone rings, the oven timer beeps, sirens go past the house, the cat does something naughty, etc. etc. "bot-a-boo" is peekaboo, which works for clothes changes, car rides peeking up over the seat at the driver, laughing with his brother, and of course the traditional game, which he instigates quite often.

We now have an "Elf on the Shelf" which Ian named Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus is the means by which Santa can tell if our household is being naughty or nice. Every night he moves to a different spot (because he's gone to the North Pole and back overnight) and every morning Ian wants to race downstairs to try to find him.

Preschool started for us two weeks ago, and so far we all love it! This is a good fit for me as a job - I have learned that I like to spend my time responding to needs that come up, rather than being responsible to come up with a product or run a "program". Which confirms my earlier desire to become a family counselor someday. I like going to the same location every day with the same basic responsibilities but not knowing moment to moment what will happen next.

Ian loves preschool! He decided on Friday that he no longer needs Bear to come with him. I was shocked! I was told by the teacher when I went to pick Ian up that we could just clone 10 of him and let that be her class. She said he listens so nicely to anything she asks of him and shares and treats the other children politely. Some days I think he uses up his "good" quota while we are there but I am so glad that he knows how to behave when he's in situations like that.

In case you've never tried it, having a preschooler crack eggs to make pancakes is a fun adventure.

Letter to Santa

This was dictated to me last week, once I'd written it down we made an envelope and addressed it, covered it with stickers, and "mailed" it off (I love the trap door on the other side of the mailbox).

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I want a candy cane for Christmas in my stocking when you come. I want some candy in my stocking too, and a puzzle, and a ball. I want a big juicy orange on top and a Christmas tree too. I want a present under the tree, and that's it. Love, Ian

P.S. I also want three presents under my real tree.
P.P.S. Don't color on people.

at least he's honest

This morning around 7, Matt and I sprawled out on Ian's bedroom floor while two little men climbed all over us. This was the pre-shower, pre-coherent time of the morning. Ian comes over to me with a hairbrush and says, "Mommy, let's get your hair fixed up for church. Nobody wants to see this."