mommy moment
It seems that my boys are going to do some things according to their own developmental stages, and some things they will just learn together. Caleb has been of course present for much of Ian's attempts to read books on his own. He watches as Ian sounds things out and puts it together into words. This has been a much slower process than I ever expected with Ian - just because he's been so into books and so verbal from a very young age. I thought he would be reading on his own by now. But I've mentioned before how much he is in a hurry for life... and he is in a hurry for the story to progress too when reading. Sounding things out takes too long, and he gets impatient to find out what will happen in the story. But, it's been coming along lately and he's been doing more and more on his own. Caleb walked into preschool this morning and started sounding out the words written on the classroom doors: "Bear" "Fish". He just came up to me with a board game and asked me to help him read the words on the box. I did no different than I do for Ian - pointed to the letters and let him sound them out on his own. My three year old just figured out the words "spider man memory game" on his own.
Now I feel a little self conscious sometimes when I point out my own kids' accomplishments... I wonder if it seems boastful. But you know what, I have decided that whatever it makes me look like to others, I am proud of my kids! I am thankful for them! I am thankful for the blessing that they are healthy and bright! Today I am excited to discover that Caleb is starting to read. Hey if I am going to stay at home and mother these boys full time, for goodness sake I am going to take the joys when they come and focus on it when I get to be a part of special moments - right now my little guy has bright eyes and a big smile - he feels good about himself being able to do something he's seen big brother do. Yay!