Monday, February 16, 2009

A Samuel Update

I just sent the following out to some at our church. I haven't seen any other online updates for a while so I thought I'd post.

Hello all - I spoke with Leyla yesterday and wanted to share an update - the doctors are preparing them that Samuel will be coming home in the next 2-3 weeks! They are evaluating him in 2 weeks to determine if he will come home with a g-tube or not. They would like to see him be more consistent on his feeds. They are saying that he will likely be on the oxygen at home for several months yet. Leyla is trying to wean off some of the pumping so Samuel will take bottle feedings from the nursing staff. Crystal is doing much better since seeing the latest pictures of Samuel - check out Greg's blog if you didn't see those yet. What a smile!
So continue to pray for Samuel's progress. Every time Leyla is there Samuel's stats improve. His breathing slows, he relaxes, he feeds better. He is ready to be home with mama, dada, and those loving big sisters!
Thanks all,


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