bathroom repairs
Our tub/ shower has to be replaced due to leaking... thought I'd document with some before/ during/ after shots. This has been a long time coming - we've been through some different repairmen and tried more temporary fixes in the past several months... We are really hoping that this does the trick!
Our major clues we had a problem were the wall next to the shower and the light fixture in the hallway below. It became a more urgent problem when the water started dripping out around the light fixture onto the first floor hallway floor every time the shower was used.... fun times. Some press n seal and duct tape held us over until now with that particular problem.

Here's the whole thing... rather messy, but it's our only full bath and well, these are the before pictures. They aren't supposed to be pretty.

While I'm at it, I might as well show you what the room looked like when we first moved in. These are my parents helping Ian have a bath when he was about 9 months old. Unfortunately you can't see the nasty black plastic base"boards" and the old vinyl flooring which was shrinking away from the wall revealing the sub flooring.
Oh boy do I hear that! This home of thirty years old is about to put me over the edge too! There is A LOT to be said for paying a little more for a home on the front side and not having the repairs and time invested down the road. I have come to realize that time spent on a house is NOT the best use of life this side of eternity! A good investment financially, perhaps...a good investment spiritually or relationally...I have decided NO! So, I am with you on that one! SOme people are cut out for fixer uppers...not me sister! ANyway, can't wait to see the afters! I am sure to be envious as our bathrooms are very bad as well! M.
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