Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby Samuel

Hi - if you are reading this and are a person who prays - please pray for my friend Leyla, her family and especially her baby Samuel. I just received this message:

Samuel was born last night @ 7 PM. He has a diaphragmatic hernia in where there's an abnormal opening in his diaphragm that is causing little or no air flow to the lungs. He is at Children's Hospital in critical condition. Apparently, the doctors are preparing the family that he may not survive. This is a very rare condition that occurs once in 250,000 births. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for the doctors as they treat baby Samuel. Pray for the Finzer family as they seek to find God's strength and peace through all of this.


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Amy AKA "Baba" said...

Hi! I would love to offer support to the family if possible. My daughter was born with CDH January 2008. I also wanted to say that while CDH is rarely heard of it actually occurs in 1 in every 2500 births, not 250,000. It is more common than Cystic Fibrosis and Spina Bifida but sadly the awareness is not there.

It is great you are supporting your friends this way. CDH is a roller coaster for sure. Please direct them to my blog below and from there they can go do dozens more.

All my best on this CDH Journey to Warrior Samuel.


At 6:45 PM, Blogger ftmomma said...

Amy - thank you so much. I have passed on your kind words and information. I am sure that the family will appreciate it very much. In fact I checked out your blog and found that one of your links is to a family in our hometown! I love that you called him Warrior Samuel. That is so fitting to the way his mommy talked about him this afternoon. Bless you.


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