Tuesday, September 23, 2008

just chatting

Since the last post I've made a delicious apple clafouti with homemade whipped cream - YUM... plan to make apple pie, maybe apple bread... definitely will be bringing lots of apples to preschool on Thursday to share with co-teachers. Anyone nearby - you are welcome to them! Come over and pick as many as you want!

Preschool is going SO WELL this year. I get to teach with two great ladies - one I've known for years through church and one is new - both are easy to work with and attentive to the kiddos and it is very enjoyable. I am in a room with slightly older kids this time and they are great kids. Also it helps to have been there for a year and a half. I started out actually knowing how to teach the kids from day one about sitting in a circle and listening for their name to be called. I am much more relaxed and have not yet had a headache yet this year! That is really saying something compared to last year. However the two rooms next to me are filled with cryers - separation anxiety through the roof. You can hear them screaming and carrying on literally the whole four hours. I so feel for those poor teachers. When you leave a room like that you have no reserve left for your own kids, you have no energy, you just feel helpless and depleted. I am so thankful for each of my many boys and my few little girls this year! I realize it is possible that God gave my boss an insight to me - knowing how much I can (and can't) handle, and that there are other teachers more CAPABLE to handle those crazy rooms - and that is OKAY with me. I just want these little ones to at least hear their Bible story and to know how much God loves them by how I interact with them, and if I am at my wits end all day this is much less likely to happen! This year I think those things will be communicated every day and I am really happy about that.

Well I have a non-napper boy upstairs so I might as well take advantage and go to the grocery store. If only you could get a public service announcement of the days when a nap is going to fail miserably. Then I wouldn't even try. I'd just not even bother coming home after preschool and get the other errands done and look forward to putting him to bed early at night. Oh well. Such is the life of a mother to an almost-three year old! One week from today to be exact! I am really hoping that turning three will be a big motivation for him to get back into the swing of things with the potty - he was doing so great for a couple of months and he seems to be falling off the bandwagon a bit. I think there's a growth spurt in process but even so the amount of pee I'm cleaning up is a bit... ridiculous. The worst is the shoes. Oh the shoes!!! I suppose I should just get him another pair of crocs that fit for his birthday - they were so easy to clean. Anyway... off to the store...


At 2:39 PM, Blogger mhutsell said...

Yes, definitely some Crocs are in order. I like the Airwalks from Payless for my little guys who outgrow or destroy shoes rather quickly. For example, my three year old who drags his toes while he drives his Little Tikes car and in a matter of weeks has two large holes in his airwalks. Ugh. But that is cheaper than gym shoes. I so wish I lived close to your apples because I LOVE LOVE LOVE making things with them. Alas, I must settle for WalMart apples. Enjoy your bounty. (Glad you aren't in with the screamers either and I kind of wish those sweet mommies who need a break would not bring them if they hate it so much-just my opinion!)M.


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