Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Long Overdue

Thanks to those who went in with me to get Matt's new hammock. He is enjoying it every chance he gets (even watched a meteor shower around midnight in it last week - that is until he fell asleep. :-)) Here are the videos of when I gave it to him. By the way, it rained that day so I had to set it up in the garage.

If you're wondering why he doesn't seem too surprised, well, I kinda messed that up by accidentally charging the wrong account when I purchased the hammock. My husband is extremely faithful and responsible with our finances - if he wasn't I'd have us in some kind of hole by now I'm sure. But this also means that it is extremely hard to surprise him... when a charge came through for "hammocks.com" it sort of gave it away. I was really kicking myself around about this for a while, until I realized that he was going to enjoy the hammock just as much, and there were still a few elements of surprise left to the whole thing as you can see:

I had Ian calling it the "hippopotamus" for a long time because I knew if he said "hammock" in front of Caleb it would end up getting talked about in front of Matt. So much effort just to blow it myself... oh yeah... I'm not kicking myself around about it anymore...

Thanks again Nathan and Krissy, Mom and Dad Shade, Mom and Dad McElheny, Nana and Mac, you guys are awesome!


At 2:38 PM, Blogger mhutsell said...

I am so completely jealous. I have wanted a hammock forever. I just mentioned this again the other day to K. I dream of naps in the fall or spring out on my hammock. But it would probably include five or more boys too...I still think we are under 450 pounds. LOL. K did the same thing you did with the credit card thing. Only in our case, the credit card company called and wanted confirmation that we had indeed charged this amount on our card to Dell. (K was buying me a laptop) At first I freaked and thought someone had stolen our card and then slowly realized...my hubby had tried to surprise me. He was not happy! I still looked forward to it greatly anyway. Anyway...tell Matt I wish I was him! Love, M.


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