Sunday, December 14, 2008

update and reminiscing

Samuel is doing a little better today praise God! You can read more specifics on his Daddy's blog. We were able to go and visit him today. Leyla and Greg needed to rest and recuperate at home and have some family time, so we went to be with Samuel and to pray over him just for a short time. I have heard him called many things in the past few days - gorgeous, an angel, a fighter, a warrior... all true. He really is sweet. Soft, precious, lots of thick dark hair. We felt the peace of God there in the room with him. Just after we prayed a chest x-ray was taken, and the thought occurred to us - it will be interesting to see the results of that just after prayer - ours and everyone else's. In any case we are hopeful for him that he will continue to show signs of improvement as he has been doing.

This situation has got me thinking. I was remembering this morning about sitting at the dinner table in Greg and Leyla's house, almost 6 years ago. Greg and Jen and I had just finished helping to put up a border in the new nursery, since Leyla's ankle was severely sprained. None of us yet had children - Leyla was growing round with Crystal inside. It was all new to all of us, and exciting, and Leyla was describing some of the physical sensations she'd experienced before taking her pregnancy test. I remember taking a bite of pizza and listening to her words and realizing, hmmmm... everything she's saying is how I feel right now.... and sure enough we soon found out that Ian was on the way. I remember how excited she and Greg were for Matt and I when they found out, and how Leyla would take my hand as she got even closer to her due date and let me feel Crystal's movements, both of us sharing the excitement of anticipating our firstborn babies.

I remember sitting on the edge of the hot tub late at night at a church women's retreat a couple years later, Leyla by my side telling me that she was expecting Jasmine. Then one Sunday morning when she and Jen, with very round tummies, were going from class to class giving some kind of announcement, and Matt timed his news that we were expecting again just perfectly so they could be there to hear it. I remember how they both ran/waddled over to me with excitement and hugs.

I remember a shopping expedition with Leyla a while back, when she shared with me that she and Greg were hoping for #3... and many many months later a phone call to tell me that finally the test was positive! I remember being at the beach some weeks later and Matt checking his e-mail and calling to me from out on the deck, "guess who is going to have a boy!!!" and I knew that Greg and Leyla's prayers were answered.

I have always felt warmth and welcome in Leyla's presence. She carries with her a joy and a hearty laugh, a fantastic accent (Puerto Rican) and plenty of spunk. She was one of the first women at the church to welcome me and make me feel a part of things. I hurt for her now that she is hurting so much. I long for her to be able to hold her long-awaited son, to rock and sing to him. But at the same time I feel that we've shared together in miracles past, and that it is an honor to be included in her life now and in what God is doing through and for Samuel. We don't yet know the outcome, but I do know He is working.

My prayer tonight is for strength. Strength for little Samuel, strength for Leyla both physically and emotionally, and strength for Greg as he tries to meet the needs of his family and keep going himself as well.


At 1:59 PM, Blogger mhutsell said...

Beautiful memories. Beautiful. It is so hard to hurt with friends. The pain is so real in my heart. But, my heart waits to meet that little boy and tell him of what a miracle he is. Oh how I await a miracle. Thanks for sharing! M.


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