Friday, October 30, 2009

Having fun in spite of sickness

Our jack-o-lanterns:

All lit up:

While boys watch in the darkness and hear scary stories from daddy:

The following night, Iron Man made an appearance,

and Mario. The mustache lasted for about 10 milliseconds. :-)

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Lots of ingenuity + serious lack of judgement = trouble!

In our house on Saturday mornings we usually let our boys play together while we sleep in a bit. I am a light sleeper so I usually am aware of where they are in the house and what toys they are playing with, but I'm still dozing. We typically have no problems with this - they create crazy contraptions out of couch cushions or elaborate train tracks or sweet pictures with paper and crayon.

I wasn't sure what they were doing this morning, but I heard both of them laughing gleefully and having a great time, so I figured it was hot wheels cars on the trick tracks or something. WRONG.

Ian has figured out how to get up and get the things I put on the tip top of the bookshelf in the playroom. This is almost to the ceiling. He got down the aquadoodle sheet. It's a sheet that they can color on with water, and dries and is reusable. Pretty harmless. Except when they forego using the pens, and want to get the whole thing to turn dark blue. So they spread it out on the kitchen floor and proceed to dump "about 15 cups" of water on it. Or so I'm told. Then they run and slide through in order to spread it around.

We wised up when Caleb slipped and fell of course, bashing his forehead and proceeding to scream. It took Ian two beach towels and some parental assistance to get it all cleaned up. I asked him if at any point in the process he thought maybe what he was doing wasn't such a good idea. He said, "I didn't know water could damage the floor mommy." Well, now he knows. (Thankfully, it didn't do damage, because it was cleaned up in time)

In days to come, the boys will be staying in their beds looking at books until we are ready to go downstairs together! And, Ian gets to learn how to do the load of laundry with those beach towels in it later today.