Discussions with Boys
I have had people tell me I need to write down the funny and cute things my boys say. That's one of the reasons I started this blog, but I find it difficult to even recall all the things they say once I get a chance to sit down with the computer! But I have to try today...
Discussion with Caleb (age 3):
We were reading a zoo book and I was asking him to count the animals on each page. We come to the page about lions, and instead of just answering with a number, he says "two males and three females. Two plus three is five mommy. Let's check. One, two, three, four, five for goodness sake." Then every page his final count (including the page with 37 apples) was emphasized with "for goodness sake" and a huge smile.
Discussion with Ian (age 5):
He wanted to read a book of poetry while Caleb was asleep today. (yes, he napped! yay!) We read "Kindness to Animals". He's been pretending about killing a rabbit with a slingshot the past few days, and the poem mentions not hurting the "timid hare" so I took the chance to point that out. He wanted to know why... so I patiently explain that the Bible tells us it is our job to take care of the animals. He thinks for a second and says matter-of-factly, "but we can shoot them and eat them, right?"