Sunday, June 21, 2009

more merged than ever

I am actually going to blog.

Just thought I might need to preface it so no-one goes into shock. Yesterday Matt and the boys and I attended the Miami University Alumni weekend. We both went to school there, and because we married one another we are considered a "Miami Merger" - the third in my family if I count correctly. We'd never really had an interest in alumni weekend before but this year when we got the flyer saying they were trying to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most couples renewing their wedding vows at one time, we started thinking about it. Then we found that many of our dear friends from IVCF were going to be getting together and that cinched it.

It was a blast! Despite all of us being hot and tired we had a great time. One of my favorite moments was renewing our vows. Matt already posted about some of the hoopla that was going on, so I just wanted to fill in my perspective on that moment. The boys were happy to have a shady place to sit for a few minutes, and I don't think they really understood what was going on but thankfully sat quietly anyway. That was especially good because as many parents will understand, I don't think I'd actually looked into my husband's eyes for at least 24 hours at that point if not longer. Somehow you are packing and loading and driving and eating meals and even sleeping next to one another, but there is so much to do you don't really even get to stop and notice the person who is next to you for all of it. So the mayor who was officiating the vow renewal says to join hands, and I look into Matt's eyes, and at that point it really didn't matter to me that there were a thousand other couples around us, or kids to be responsible for. Know what I mean?

Eight years ago (plus about a month) we stood in Kumler chapel on campus and exchanged vows the first time. Matt told some of our friends yesterday evening, he cried during that ceremony, but I cried during this one. Somehow saying the "in good times and bad" meant a lot more having actually lived it. I mean, we haven't had too many bad times, but I can look in Matt's eyes and relive so many moments - these are the same eyes that have truly seen me at my worst, and at my best as a wife and as a mother, and this man is totally committed to me and our family. He shows it in big and small ways every day, and I love and appreciate that about him. We were lamenting before we left for home late last night, how long the drive is from Oxford to Columbus and how tired we were. Both boys went to sleep right away, and we finally got a chance to talk about everything. That ride home went so quickly and was so enjoyable! I love that I have a communicative man. I truly enjoy our conversations. I am blessed to be married to my best friend.

I think that alumni weekend may become more of a tradition for us!

Happy Father's Day Matthew - I love you!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daddy Pics

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