I can't hardly believe it. My Ian Michael is five years old tomorrow. I have been a mom for five years. It's been quite the rollercoaster and adventure. Five years ago at this time Matt and I were practicing some coping mechanisms for the labor - which wasn't expected for another three weeks. In the middle of our practice session came the first "real" contraction. I told Matt that I would try to go to sleep, but if I couldn't, I'd wake him up in a little while. Needless to say, I did not ever get to sleep that night. I was not very uncomfortable for several hours - more excited and disbelieving than anything. Once I started really experiencing pain I went to wake Matt up. We got to the hospital at 4:15 and Ian was born at 6:15. He has been just as eager to delve into life ever since. I mean, this kid eats with one leg sticking out sideways from his chair, ready to jump up and blast off at 90 miles an hour again.

Matt and I were just discussing yesterday what a difficult baby Ian was for us. He'd cry for at least an hour predictably every night for the first couple of months. He did not sleep for more than three hours at a time for many many months. But we didn't know any comparison - it was our first experience at parenting. Little did we know that it really can be much easier! I think I had some postpartum depression as well. Every night it would get dark earlier and earlier and I would know that the rest of the world was getting cozy and going to sleep and that I would be up with this screaming baby getting no sleep. With no end in sight. I was totally in love with my fuzzy headed little screamer, and feeling like I was finally doing what I'd always been meant to do, but I also felt like I was never going to sleep again. It was a strange and overwhelming mix of emotions.

If only I could have peeked into the future five years. If I could have seen this little man who helps me cook and do laundry. Who frequently requests a comb so he can brush my hair at night. This boy who will listen for as long as I can read to my beloved "Little House on the Prairie" books and then race off to imagine himself driving horses to plow a field. This one who who plots and plans for weeks about what he's going to do at grandma and grandpa's house on his next visit. He surprises me all the time with what he's got on his mind, what he can do, the very big boy he is becoming. I love to talk with him and just hang out together. And I love that he sleeps all night now. :-) We both need it with his boundless energy during the day!

Happy Fifth Birthday Ian!
"... since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father..."
Colossians 1:9-12