Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We're trying to get ready for a family vacation presently. Since my last post I've done another day of wedding photography and enjoyed several nice summer days and now trying to get organized for our trip. Also dealt with damage done from a lightning strike to our house. We were very fortunate - I think our guardian angels are MVPs. Jobs for yesterday and today, so far completely procrastinated: clean the van, clean the floors, clean the bathrooms.

What I have accomplished: caught up on e-mail, did various internet tasks, organized my junk drawer, gone out for ice cream with a friend, read the book of Ruth and various related passages, gone out for lunch and back to school shopping with my mother-in-law, some laundry, watered the lawn... yeah. Gotta get focused on the real to do list.

A tiny point of interest: my 4 year old is presently talking on my bluetooth. In the words of my sister: "technology is groovy."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

very very tired

Here's why I haven't been blogging: 30th birthday party for Matt/ 4th of July weekend/ a wedding shoot for a good friend of mine (I'm told pics are to come soon - but I'm the assistant and thank God - not responsible for getting them together after the wedding is over!) / fireworks/ mini-celebration the day hubby turned 30/ prepping for VBS/had soon-to-be-10-year-old and night-owl Veronica here to stay for the week of VBS/ taught VBS 1/2 grade all this week/drove Veronica home to Batavia this morning/attended a wedding in Kentucky/drove back home.

My head aches from a two year old boy who we thought was so exhausted and fighting a virus yet he did not sleep for two plus hours after his bedtime in the car ride home nor did he stop talking/singing/yelling/crying/climbing all over me practically all day. We came home and Matt got the boys in bed (finally) and I opted to clean out the van. Now I am ready to crash and hope that this ibuprofen kicks in soon. Perhaps I will get to posting about tidbits of all these various things soon. God has been very good. But for now, I am crashing.