Thursday, February 01, 2007


I'm ready for spring. My morning started about 4:45 a.m. Things haven't improved much since then.

Hopefully the following will cheer me and whoever is reading this up!


he's making his "pinchy bear face" which indicates intense affection. Usually accompanied by pinching his bear's legs (or Matt, Caleb, myself, or the cat) as hard as he can.
Me: "Does your bear have pinchy legs right now?"
Ian: (with incredulous look) "Mama, Bear has pinchy legs all day, every day!"

Christmas morning, Ian weighs 37 pounds... "Daddy, stop giving me bacon. You'll make me fat!" (where does he get this stuff?)

"You wanna piece of me?"
(he blamed this one on daddy... not so... finally realized it came from Finding Nemo...)

Me: "I'm having trouble figuring out this train track Ian"
Ian: (silky sweet voice... the one that he uses to get away with murder) "Oh that's okay mommy, take your time. There's no hurry. You can do it! No rush. You'll get it."

Matt's list of Caleb's (16 mo.) words: (this needs to come off our white board, and he says about 6 new things every day anyway so we're past the point of keeping track, so here goes, this may be repetitive)

cracker bot-bo (pretzel) num-num bye-bye book juice Dadda Momma Ian bot-a-boo (peek a boo) milk fork bebe (baby) sock dis (this) dat (that) uh-oh up hi taste brush shoe jacket eye nose spoon ball bear dog cat flower meow bee butt-fi (butterfly) apple pear ban (banana) drink no Bucks football again five stinky p.u. diaper potty poop bath kaboom berry more duck dank-do (thank you) welcome stay there sit down
