"childproof"... yeah right.
Yesterday while I was nursing Caleb, Ian went upstairs to play. Usually he just shoots hoops in his room or gathers his "guys" (favorite stuffed animals), but after a certain length of time of silence I tend to get nervous. So, as quickly as I was able in the nursing process, I hoofed it up there to check on Ian. I found our bedroom door closed, and opened it to find Ian sitting on my bed surrounded by pills. I keep my prenatal vitamins (for nursing) and other meds in a zippered bag on top of our (too tall for him to reach) dresser. He had opened the dresser drawers in order to climb high enough to reach it, gotten it down, turned on the radio, climbed on our bed, gotten through the childproof caps, dumped out most all of the medicine, and consumed at least 1 or 2 pills. All this in about 10 minutes.
Here's the amazing thing: for some reason I now believe to be God's direction... the night before I had roughly counted the pills just thinking of when I would need to refill my prescription and buy more vitamins. So, the end of the story is no harm done. A call to poison control revealed that what I thought he'd taken wasn't going to cause a problem.
And, the lesson gets repeated for the umpteenth time... "what do you put in your mouth Ian? FOOD THAT MOMMY AND DADDY GIVE YOU. And your toothbrush. THAT'S IT."
At Caleb's age, you can pretty much control your child's safety - he stays where I put him, he only eats when I help him, he can't really even look at much without me propping him at the right angle. Parenting presents a whole new set of challenges as we relinquish control and watch Ian begin to navigate the world on his own. And I know this process has only barely begun. I think my boys are going to give their guardian angels a workout!! Seriously, I sleep better knowing that God is watching out for these little guys too. He was watching out for them before I even knew that they were growing inside me. What a comfort to any parent.