Friday, October 12, 2007

silly quotes

My son cracks me up.

"Do you know what 'chick magnet' means?"
"Yes, I do."
"Will you say it?"
"It means the girls like you a lot."
"Daddy, that's disgusting!"

"Dear God, thank you for this food, and please bring the mice." (after throwing a piece of cheese out into the yard)
(the scary thing is, I found a dead mouse in our yard this morning. So God heard the little man's prayer, and our cat felt the need to get involved.)

"Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Bring me a head,
I've got a hat
There's a man named Fred"
"ha ha - I run myself out of my wits"

"I like every day that comes past"


At 3:37 PM, Blogger mattmc3 said...

It bears mentioning that these quotes are all Ian, though Caleb has had a couple of funny ones lately too. Esp. his requests for "ohmpah" and the massive giggling fits that follow when Beth sings the requested "oompa-loompa song".

At 4:56 PM, Blogger mattmc3 said...

Another recent Caleb quote - When looking up at the night sky, Caleb correctly identified the bright half-moon.

And then, my barely two-year-old little man points at the stars and proclaims, "And those are my dreams, Daddy". W o w... just wow.


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