Friday, September 14, 2007

only Ian

Today Ian had a particularly bad moment (ear piercing screaming) in a store. Grandma was finishing up our transactions so I removed Ian to the car for a punishment/ time out. Only later, while having dessert with a fellow at home mommy, did I realize how downright hilarious his comments in the car really were.

Apparently 20 minutes of waiting for grandma to exit the store, with no radio, no toys, no snacks because of bad behavior, is an interminably long period of time for a three year old in a car seat:
[tone of desperation bordering on tears]
"Is grandma ever coming out?"
"I can't stand this mommy, I can't wait this long!"
"Mommy, it's like we're going to the beach but we're not stopping at a hotel!"
"Is it even still day?"


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