Sunday, August 05, 2007

two things to make you laugh

Ian and his daddy sometimes share a less than soothing bedtime ritual of telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Yesterday Ian was stomping around the house shouting, "Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishmaaaaan." Next thing we know, Caleb's little voice is calling, "Fee Fi Fo, I smell it!" He's caught on to our amusement at this and now it's getting repeated quite a lot. You'd be surprised at his comedic timing. :-)

Here's a link to a Dave Barry article that I remembered reading a long time ago, which relates to the story in my last post. Babies and Restaurants: the Chernobyl of Parenting.

I'm off to go collect our things from the church, which we had to evacuate this morning due to a fire upstairs near our Sunday School room! I don't think it was too serious, but since there was a thunderstorm in progress at the time they told everyone to get in their cars and go home. Thank God Ian didn't take Bear today, and we have a back up for Caleb's lovey Bear Blankie. See, we've regained some of our intelligence since being new parents.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes...a fire at DBC? I am guessing all is well. I loved your entry about going out with kids...too true. Even more fun when all five of them are yours! But, I too am amazed at the dumb things we decide to do in the name of fun. But, when you have older kids you realize all the more you cannot stay holed up. Every once in a while you get a wonderful trip out of it and it makes you braver for the next time. (which usually is a flop :) Love ya friend...keep writing!M.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger ftmomma said...

Melissa, all is well at DBC. Minimal damage and all repaired within a week, but there was someone arrested. That's a cry for help if I've ever seen one. Starting a fire is one thing, but doing it in the middle of Sunday morning service??


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