Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Ian had a doctor visit last week, he is the average size of a 4 year old at 37 pounds, 40 3/4 inches tall. He is healthy and very rambunctious. "Zingy" as his Aunt Emily puts it. Especially so during the (also named by Emily) "hour of power" from 4 to 5 p.m. The good news is that Aunt Emily's office recently moved to within minutes from our house, and 4 to 5 p.m. happens to be her lunch break since she works an alternate schedule. So, in exchange for some food (yay! someone else to foist off leftovers on!) I get adult company and child entertainment for the toughest part of my day.

Tomorrow I interview for a preschool teaching position. Yes that's right, I may actually be gainfully employed again. One of the big gains is that both boys attend for free. For now I will only work one day a week (9-1 p.m.) but may bump that up to 2 or 3 days next year.

Caleb is walking everywhere, increasingly quickly, and says hi, bye, mama, dada, book, bear, ball, taste, cat, dog, some sort of "ba" word for balloon, yes, bath, and apple. I finally made an appointment to get his haircut (see recent pics of him in the gallery) but cancelled at the last minute. I just couldn't do it. He was mistaken for a girl just once, in the pediatrician's office, by someone with a 5 week old baby. We'll just blame it on the sleep deprivation.


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