Tuesday, August 15, 2006

still fasting

I just counted, and it's been 11 days with no t.v.. As I said in my last post, there have been times it's been tough, but mostly, I'm loving it. I've gotten a lot more accomplished and I haven't really missed t.v. at all, except when "my show" is on. I've also gone to bed earlier many nights and that is a good thing!

One interesting side effect. I'm not sure if it's correlation or causation, but it seems Matt and I have been having more arguments in the evenings. We are not big fighters - typically just the crankiness that comes with hunger or fatigue. I am wondering if we've been using t.v. to not deal with things that we need to discuss without realizing it?? I don't like having conflict with him, but I am actually looking forward to the next few weeks to see what good is going to come from us working through these kinks.

Another interesting question - when is it okay to argue in front of kids? My parents very rarely had conflict in front of us. I was always thankful that we had a peaceful home growing up, but now I realize there can be benefit to allowing your kids to see healthy conflict and resolution... yet Ian was especially clingy last night at bedtime so I was concerned.

Grandma and Grandpa bought the boys new shoes over the weekend while we were visiting. Caleb: brown Robeez with elephants on them - size 18-24 months
Ian: green and black Reptilian Stride Rites with eyes on the sides - size 12


At 1:15 PM, Blogger truist said...

My parents avoided arguing in front of me/us, and I can say that it would have been better if they hadn't. I never really learned that it was ok to get mad, and had to work through that (and still am!) with Kristina.

On the other hand, I'm sure there's some sort of threshold before which kids just can't understand parental arguing :)

At 11:18 AM, Blogger ftmomma said...

Although... even at 10 months, we can show Caleb when we're really happy with him and when we're not (like when he makes his baby pterydactyl noises) pretty well without him being able to talk. It's not always effective... but the point being, I think kids are aware of tension from very early on. So I agree - I think it is better if it is just brought out in the open. Yet I want to model healthy expressions of anger - and that is the big struggle. You know, no name calling or slamming doors or walking out before you've reached common ground... not that anyone in this house ever does those sorts of things.... :-)


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