Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mama? Momma? either way, it's me

Ian was sitting in bed with me this morning. I guess he was thinking about some recent conversation we'd had about acceptable vs. unacceptable behavior because he said, "that's a big big 'ceptable mama".

We made some progress last night with Caleb's sleep I think... but just by writing about it I'll probably jinx myself... anyhow let's hope that tonight he accepts his pacifier rather than mommy again! He's so good to me during the daytime I feel like I shouldn't ask any more of him at night, but I know that he is capable of sleeping much longer stretches than he typically does! I also know that this time between 3 and 4 months is crucial if you don't want to establish bad sleeping habits. I am hoping that his ability the last couple of days to get his first two fingers in his mouth (yes mom, just like I used to) will help him to comfort himself in the night too.

We really enjoyed seeing some old friends recently at a wedding - we were surprised to see one of our fellow Miami alums turn sideways as the bride came down the aisle with a big pregnant tummy! It was so fun to see friends we hadn't seen since before kids. Ian REALLY loved the disco lights at the reception and ran right out into the center of the dance floor to do his version of the Electric Slide. Caleb slept through the pounding bass, no problem. We were most thrilled that both boys made it through the ceremony with a minimum of noise - Ian was really fascinated with the stained glass window of Christ behind our pew - "look Dada, it's Jesus" and Caleb just grinned and cooed at me the whole time. Only once did we have a loud gastrointestinal event (thank you Caleb) and Ian added onto the toasting when the MC asked if anyone had anything else to say, "HI DADA" at the top of his lungs. Of course my little I-man would have something else to say!!


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