Monday, December 12, 2005

hello world

Who knows if I will really have the time to keep up with this (probably only when I should be sleeping) but I really enjoy my friends' blogs and have thought for some time I should post one myself. Mainly this will make it easier for me to share Ian and Caleb stories to those who are interested!

At church two weeks ago (this is the first chance I've had to write about it!) we were discussing the ways we allow division to enter into our families. Typically we fall into bad habits in our family dynamics slowly - it starts with little things that later snowball. The point was if we know the truths of Scripture and how to apply those to our relationships we can avoid more serious problems because hopefully we'll recognize and "nip" those little things before they become habit. I started thinking about respecting Matt with my words; making sure I'm lifting him up even in family anecdotes that I share with friends. Since Caleb's birth I've not been doing such a great job with that whenever folks ask how nighttime sleep is going... it's hard for me not to get bitter when he appears to sleep all night long every night and it's been months since I've actually felt rested. Anyway I realized that I need to stop faulting the guy for not having the ability to breastfeed! Okay, it's usually not that obviously ridiculous, but I do need to stop taking my sleep deprivation out on Matt... clearly if he could give me sleep he would!

One of those questions I will be asking God someday in heaven (I ask Him now too, but am not guaranteed an answer until then!): Why did you create moms to need just as much sleep as dads, but only equip us to breastfeed? If sleep and breastfeeding are both the best thing for all of us, why do they seem to be mutually exclusive?


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