Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Terrible Twos

I've never understood that phrase really... how can a cute little toddler be accused of being terrible?? Surely it's just people who don't like kids who use it, right? Except that in the past couple of days I have been smacked in the face several times. We've even had attempted kicking. Sometimes this is the result of being told no to something he (Ian) wants to do, other times it is just in moments of frustration with a toy and I get too close in an effort to help. This from my sweet little boy. It's like a roller coaster - one minute he is gently brushing my hair with his little hands saying, "your hair is nice mama" or giving me a big hug and saying, "I love you" and the next I'm getting smacked. Ugh. It must be hard for him at age 2 to figure out all these intense emotions and how to handle them. I am 26 and still trying to figure out how to control my own emotions - especially in these situations!! He so desperately wants to be able to do everything by himself, but ultimately still needs help with so many things. How frustrating.

On especially rough days I feel guilty for enjoying little Caleb so much. He has such a wonderfully easygoing nature - barely cries except to let me know his needs, and is happy again as soon as they're met. He is so very content and smiley. He's even blessed grandma first, then daddy, then me with a little chortle - like he's trying to giggle but hasn't quite figured it out yet. :-)


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