Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!

My favorite quote from today: (Ian, while squeezing my leg in a big hug) "I'm just always lovin you mama"

Well we're making some "headway" with potty training. It seems that Ian has figured out that when you feel like you've got to go, you take off your pants and diaper. This is most helpful when I am holding or nursing the baby, and he does so before climbing onto his "Bob the Builder" potty seat. This is not so helpful when it happens in the middle of the night and we don't know about it until morning. I'm not sure how exactly to wash a stuffed dog that is the same size as Ian.

We had a very enjoyable holiday - we've had about six days of Christmas now with all the different family members and Ian has been a trooper - sometimes getting a bit overwhelmed and overexcited (he kept his grandparents up from 2-4 a.m. while staying at their house, even managing to get himself a breakfast cooked about 3 a.m.)

Some of our favorite gifts: a beautiful storybook for Caleb called "Room for a Little One" and two songbooks/CDs from one of our favorite children's authors, Sandra Boynton. We had Ian dancing to the Spin Doctors this morning with one of them - what fun! Ian of course loves his new basketball hoop and ball and his big black dog that we've decided to name "Sirius Black".


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