Saturday, May 10, 2008

nothing much

I started typing a post the other day, and never finished... I have really been enjoying others' blogs lately, seems like everyone is typing away about things that really matter. Not sure that I have anything deep to share tonight, but it does inspire me to blog anyway. Today started out with the Walk for Life, the boys and I went and met up with friends there. Matt stayed home to wage further war against the groundhog (that's another story in itself) and finish up some other projects. Ian's favorite part of the Walk was seeing the Santa Maria anchored in the river right next to our path. He is truly convinced there are pirates in there because he saw a periscope (so he claims) and wants to go back and go inside as soon as possible. This evening my fabulous husband announced that I was to have a special mother's day evening out. We went to dinner and then took a walk, then Ian suggested going to Rita's, our favorite Italian ice place. Today was a warm day with the sun shining, but by this point in the day things were cooling off. We probably looked pretty interesting sitting on that bench - boys' faces covered in chocolate ice cream, with a red plaid blanket over us and the boys and I had our hoods up. We were shivering but enjoying every moment.

So here's a question for you moms out there. At what age did you let your kids go out to play unsupervised? What things did you look for in them to know they were ready? It seems this summer that Ian and several of the neighborhood boys have been eyeing each other and their various forms of transportation (bikes, rollerblades, etc.) and I'm anticipating that question of "can he come out to play?" Right now I allow Ian to go out both in the (unfenced) backyard to climb our apple tree and in the front to ride his bike on our sidewalk as long as I can see him "often enough" through the windows and as long as he is checking back in with me. Usually I am leaving the door open and either sitting in the doorway (when one is in and the other out) or right by an open window. I'd love to have some input from others who've gone through this stage with their kiddos.

I hope that everyone has a joyous mother's day. I think this is becoming one of my more favorite holidays - it's just really really nice to have that acknowledgement that what you do day to day matters. I know it matters to God, and that he sees every dirty sock picked up off the floor and every bottom wiped, but it's nice to know when it matters to those around you too. Happy Mother's Day!


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