Wednesday, June 04, 2008

days four and five

Can I give the potty party any higher recommendation? We are basically diaper free. We are still putting Caleb in pull ups for naps and bedtime, but they are dry every time. He is initiating going on his own. He responds well to reminders if I have to give them (like before we're leaving somewhere). The whole process pretty much has made him excited and happy (I mentioned him being upset in a previous post - that's been limited to accidents, which let's face it, you don't want him to be happy about that!) He is pumped to be a big kid and loves his underwear and is proud of himself when he goes. Our relationship has been strengthened if anything. I think potty training is one of those things that can be very stressful for some parents and kids, and can even be damaging to their relationship.

I know that we are still on the learning curve and there will still be mistakes at times, and that is just fine - my goals with this have been to get rid of diapers and to give him the tools he needs and help him to be excited about being big.

Every one of those goals is met or well on it's way. Go potty party, Go Caleb!


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