So Far, So Good
This little guy is taking his job very seriously. He has been potty training his doll Paul for the morning, and he is really doing a good job. He's never had a moment's hesitation or lack of interest. I seem to remember Ian was not quite as easy of a sell on this...

The other big observation is how calm and laid back this kid is when big brother is out for the day!!! He is just not nearly as active and rambunctious a temperament as Ian. When they're together Caleb "rises to the occasion". On his own he is content to sit quietly for much longer and plays much more slowly. I feel like I'm on vacation. I love my I-man so much - and Caleb is missing Ian and Daddy - yet for a mom who didn't get much sleep last night it is relaxing to go back to the "one child" feeling temporarily and especially one child who is so much less wild! At the same time, I can't wait to hear Matt's stories tonight of all the adventures he and Ian are having right now. You never run short on adventure with Ian. :-)

So the next step is to put Caleb in underwear for the afternoon, pump him full of liquids and dance, hop, skip, jump, sing, and ride the "poo poo train" to the potty over and over all afternoon, and praise the tar out of him (no pun intended) when he succeeds. I don't know how it will go, but I'm taking it as a good sign that when I had to change his pull up towards the end of the morning, he didn't want a clean one back on because he wanted to show Paul how he goes pee and poop on the potty. Then just now after he'd been put down for his nap he got up and peed in the potty upstairs, keeping the pull up dry. I hinted that the pull up he has on right now might be one of his last and he was very excited at that idea. I anticipate enthusiasm about trying to be a big kid - but not necessarily clean pants for at least a few more days.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the pictures, I'm off to set out the big boy underwear, make various tasty beverages and put up Caleb's big boy chart (and maybe even nap)!:

Thanks for the update, and all the pictures. I feel as though I'm there with you. We are thinking about you all today! Love, Mom
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